HE’s the 0ne

New poll out today, says women know they’ve found ‘The One’ when friends and family like him too. Ladies admitted that their ideal man is someone who would give them emotional stability while getting the thumbs-up from loved ones.
And men? Apparently physical attraction, compatibility and the fact they’re not lusting after other women is the biggest sign they’re loved-up.
Jjust how do you know when it’s time to kiss goodbye to the single life? We asked you (and yes, we asked guys too) for 10 signs you’ve found ‘The One’…
  •  “You’re in love when you don’t have to rush to the bathroom to clean your teeth/put your make up on/take your retainer out. Basically, you don’t feel you have to be ‘perfect’ in front of them – because they’ve made you feel amazing, regardless of how gross you’re being.”
  •  ” I think that when you don’t feel the need to talk about it you know they are The One. When you don’t endlessly analyse or pick apart every little thing they do with your mates I think that means you are ultimately secure and confident in your relationship.”
  •  “When he makes you laugh all the time! My other half and I don’t go a day without a good giggle, even after a really crap day he’ll do a little dance or something seriously stupid to cheer me up. It’s definitely love.”
  •  “When you feel comfortable farting in front of them and still find each other attractive even in the most unattractive of moments.”
  •  “You know they’re The One once you’ve made it through simultaneous food poisoning bouts after a romantic meal out. That’s love, trust me. ”
  • “When he makes you a pie for elevenses, just ‘because’. Swoon.”
  •  “Even after 10 years together, I still just want to be with him/see him/be around him all the time.  He knows me better than anyone else and he just ‘gets’ me and I ‘get’ him.  So I think you just kind ofknow … it’s weird!”
  •  “For me it’s about open doors. Like leaving the door open while taking a wee – once you’ve done that, it’s LOVE.”
  • “When you’re happy to put their interests above yours (e.g. move to a rubbish part of town for their job, spend the money you set aside for a new bike on something nice for them instead etc.) and you do it because you want to, not because you’re trying to score points.”
  •  “When he holds your hair back mid-puke. He’s a keeper.”


Came home exhausted
Still thinking about you
Checked the inbox only
To find that there is nothing new
It’s like hoping for the sun to rise
In the midst of heavy rains
Yeah, we better have this analyzed
Before I turn insane
And all you ever do is understand
Your usual selfish side
How come it comes down to nothing?
When I’ve swallowed my own pride
Can’t see what’s the point
In being your slave for eternity
But I stand here waiting
Enduring the pain that’s killing me

Now, I’m sort of thinking
How about me leaving you?
You will cry, you will sigh and you
Is there anything you wouldn’t do?
Then you’ll buy my patience
How come I can’t turn you down?
I’m so confused, and so inflamed
Oh, I just can’t stand to see you frown

Sun has fallen from the sky
Stars no longer shining
Purple sky has turned gray
And it makes me want to scream
We’re no longer giving light
Us no longer talking
Rain would not shower love
And it makes me want to scream


Lack of sleep can make you fat

Many people think that the more you sleep, the more you gain weight.
Well, they’re wrong.

Data from a study presented on October 23, 2012 in the “American Journal of Physiology” says that sleeping less than 4 hours a day led to increased hunger pangs, increased craving for salty and sweet food and higher intake of fat and carbohydrates.

Sleep affects food preference

The trial involved 27 healthy adults, aged 30-45. One group was allowed to sleep for 9 hours and the other group for 4 hours.

Dr. Ari Shechter, the main author, analyzed the patients’ sleeping patterns, food preference, total caloric intake, metabolic rates and weight changes.

The group with less sleep had less time in the REM (rapid eye movement) stage. REM stage represents complete and restful sleep.

Less time in REM led to more hunger attacks and an increase in caloric intake from carbohydrates and fats.

What affects your sleeping habits?

The results strengthen the fact that sleep is vital to our bodies. Many factors affect our sleeping habits. These may ultimately lead to weight gain and obesity.

To sleep longer and better, review the factors in and around us that may be causing poor sleeping patterns.

  • Snoring and choking during sleep may be due to a blocked airway.
  • Certain drugs and medications may cause restless sleep.
  • Work shifts should allow longer sleeping hours.
  • Frequently changing work shifts also prevent the proper adjustment of sleeping habits.
  • Frequent travel across time zones causes jetlag.

If getting a good night’s sleep can make you lose your excess weight then invest in a good pair of earplugs, eye mask and turn off that beeping sound from your phone.



8 foods you should never eat before flying

What you eat before you board can make a big impact on how you feel once you’re in the air (and even how you feel once you land). Leave these dining disasters off your pre-flight checklist and avoid the dreaded “jet bloat,” being the stinky seatmate, and other in-flight horrors.

Fried or Fast Food

Tempted by those ubiquitous airport fast-food restaurants? You should know that digestion is even harder for your body at 35,000 feet. Add that to the trouble the human digestive system already has processing saturated fats, and you’ve got a recipe for heartburn or an upset stomach. Scientists have also found that eating saturated fat can constrict blood flow, which could increase your risk for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).


Okay, it’s not a food, but you should still avoid this beverage. That beer or vodka tonic may hit the spot, but it’s also dehydrating. Unfortunately, the air we breathe in planes isn’t humidified, which also causes flyers to become dehydrated. Throw alcohol into the mix and you may be more relaxed, but you’ll come off the flight feeling parched and miserable. And keep in mind that alcohol has a bigger effect on your body at higher altitudes!

Cruciferous Vegetables

The airplane’s cabin is pressurized, but that doesn’t mean the air is the same as it is on the ground. Did you know that after takeoff, the air pressure in the cabin decreases, causing the cabin air to expand by around 30 percent? This can cause swallowed air and gases in the stomach and small intestine to expand, leading to an uncomfortable, bloated feeling. Minimize the effect by staying away from broccoli, cauliflower, and other cruciferous vegetables that can increase bloating.

Sugar-Free Gum and Candy

Sugar-free products may be a blessing to dieters and diabetics, but they usually contain artificial sweeteners. Unfortunately, the human body’s not designed to process synthetic sugars very well, and they can cause bloating, gas, and even have a laxative effect—not what you want if you don’t plan to spend the whole flight in the tiny airplane bathroom. Check the package when you’re buying sugar-free gum or candy—many products carry a warning label about these unpleasant side effects.

Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated beverages, like soda and beer, are also major contributors to bloating. Picture the bubbles you’re swallowing as tiny balloons that will end up in your stomach—and then rapidly expand when the air pressure changes. Not comfortable!


Beans have a bad rap for being another major gas culprit. Many types of beans and other legumes naturally contain indigestible complex sugars that can lead to onboard bloating. Can’t live without your traditional English breakfast with a side of baked beans? Soaking the beans overnight can eliminate many of the problem sugars.


Garlic is delicious, but it sure does linger on your breath—and in your body odor. Garlic contains sulfuric compounds that are absorbed into your bloodstream and lungs. This means you’re literally exhaling that garlic smell (even if you’ve brushed your teeth), and it’s seeping out of your pores. So for the sake of your seatmates, skip the garlic pasta before boarding.

Airplane-Provided Water, Ice, Coffee, Or Tea

It’s important to stay hydrated while flying, but you’re better off BYOW (Bringing Your Own Water) rather than grabbing a free drink from the beverage cart. Tests done by the EPA a few years ago showed that one out of every seven planes had tank water that did not meet federal standards, and in fact contained bacteria like E. coli. Although beverage carts might give you “bottled” water from a large bottle, that bottle could have been refilled using the tank water. Coffee and tea are often made from the same tank water, which is usually not heated enough to kill germs. Ice is also sometimes made on board, so it’s best to pass on that as well.

source: @yahooph

Think Before You Criticize

Lead Today


Criticism can have a huge and sometimes crushing impact on people. Too often, in our anger and displeasure, we lash out and tell people what we think of their performance or judgment. Too often as well, we don’t think of the possible consequences or outcomes before we say it.

It’s true that sometimes, it’s absolutely necessary to let others know when they haven’t met certain criteria. The next time you feel the need to criticize, consider the following:

Is the criticism absolutely necessary? Ask yourself, “am I angry because I’m having a bad day, or do I really need to address this behavior with this person?” Perhaps it’s both and in that case wait until your anger subsides before addressing the issue.

Whatever the situation, take a deep breath and carefully choose your words. If you say the first thing that comes to your mind, you’ll often regret it. When…

View original post 71 more words

What you sow, you reap.

Garbage in, garbage out!

Goodness pays. Crime -sin-does not pay!

I hope you can say no when somebody dumps a truckload of money in front of you..You are not here to get rich..

Lord when tempted, help me to pray and to just flee…AMEN!

Resist Temptation


If I have a bad day I often listen to my favorite upbeat songs or watch comedy movies to avoid the drama.

Everyone can have a bad day and here are some ways how to say bye bye to it.

*Don’t blame it on other people deal with it yourself.

You should behave and do simple things as making a cup of coffee for someone.

*Take and accept it.

Admit it that the’re just terrible days and once you accept the fact that this day is a write off, chances are things will start improving.


It makes you feel good and much better although it’s often the last thing you’ll consider but it helps alot.

*Favourite song

Play upbeat songs that don’t much your moods to avoid bringing you down even if it’s tempting.You might wanna play The Black Eyed PeasI Gotta Feelinghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSD4vsh1zDA


They can actually help us feel better.If you don’t have one maybe you can play with your friends’s pets instead.

*Don’t think of those who are less fortunate

It only makes you feel selfish because compared to a lot of other people your problems aren’t actually that bad. It also makes you feel lower because it shows that the world can be a pretty rough and ugly place.Try to not to focus on those who are less fortunate than yourself for today.

*No overspending

It’s true that treating ourselves can help make us feel better,but buy something small like a lipstick or a new book or by even taking pictures around you.


*Put the kettle on

If you need a quick pick-me-up,have a soak in the bath.If you need an even quicker pick-me-up, simply make yourself a warm drink for an instantly better mood.

*Think of good memory

When in you’re in the midst of it,the day can certainly feel like it is never-ending.To break that feeling,think of a really good memory;a time when you were truly happy.Thinking about this good time or moment in your life will remind you that this day will be over and more happy times are ahead.

source: http://www.realbuzz.com/ @yahooph